Jonathan George: camp director

After being introduced to the weight room in 7th grade while a member of the BH-BL track team, Jonathan realized all that could be gained in athletics by properly preparing and putting in the extra time and effort. Jonathan was a three-sport athlete in Middle & High School, and continued his athletic career playing football at the University of Albany. During his time at UAlbany, he won two conference championships, was a two time team captain, two time 2nd Team All-Conference Running Back, as well as lifter of the year and Mid Major preseason All-American during his senior year. Following his final year at Albany, he then played in the NFL Italy for the Bologna Warriors. During each of these different levels of athletics, Jonathan continued to hone his knowledge and technique in the weight room, as well as learning about proper nutrition and other building blocks to make a successful athlete. With all that he had learned throughout his years in sports, Jonathan began Personal Training in 2006, and also began teaching Physical Education to share his passion for health and fitness. Jonathan is currently a Physical Education teacher in BHBL, and has worked as head and assistant coach for multiple levels of football and track & field. Growing up, there was not a camp like Next Level available, and knowing how important it is to be a well rounded athlete made him want to pay it forward and help the next generation. Jonathan subscribes to what he teaches and lives an active and healthy lifestyle. By sharing his knowledge on safe and proper techniques, he hopes to give the student athletes all the pieces to the puzzle to help them be successful on and off the field.